lauantaina, lokakuuta 29, 2005

enough obscure posting. today i slept off and on until about 3:00. i had dreams, maybe a bit more like daydreams or fantasies given the autonomy i had over them, myself (perhaps only myself metonymically) hovering somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness. i could try to explain to you what they were about but i doubt it would make any sense. i think it may have had something to do with divisions and sub-divisions of singular things and perhaps categories, and royalty as well, but that's as close as i can get. i got up and rode my bike around and saw some people i know, and had a mexican pizza. last night i hung out with my colleague Metal, and i mentioned that I liked when he said in his paper, althought this paraphrase won't do it justice, that metaphors are useful because they allow us to understand truth in varying degrees, rather than in terms of binary oppositions (Perspectivism as Anti-Realism, Kevin Cook, 2004). and then last night he said that metaphors are our strike back at language and it's inflation and proliferation of signifieds. i added a bit to what he said paraphrastically. and i agreed wholeheartedly and drank some more beer.

i think it's about it. i just wanted you to see this site, you might even like it. kneedeep in cliches.


At 9:28 ap., Blogger p said...

"sleeping by the mississippi" is good too. The photographs.

At 10:15 ap., Blogger zach said...

i'll have to check those out.


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