this is my blog and all i have to say is, if anyone knows a place where i can get a cool cock (poultry) t-shirt, i'd be much obliged, preferably one of a cockfight. i have homework.
hey i was just surfin' the web and found your blog and it made me shit poultry out my cunt. but not just raw, slimy chicken, a fully cooked fried chicken with corn and afterbirth on the side. don't forget the menstrual dipping sauce!
i have a picture of a cockfight my dad took in 'nam. maybe we can project it, trace it, then have metal's tshirt making friend print one out for you? too many steps, i suggest you just buy one.
i was just out BLOG SURFING my own blog and i just wanted to say fuck you, and that i don't give a fuck about low car ketogenic diets, and i hate you.
hey i was just surfin' the web and found your blog and it made me shit poultry out my cunt. but not just raw, slimy chicken, a fully cooked fried chicken with corn and afterbirth on the side. don't forget the menstrual dipping sauce!
i hope all is well
they have cock fights in dodge city
maybe next summer we'll go there
for a rodeo and get a t-shirt
hell's yes.
looking forward to it
this is what I have been up to
make that
erase that last post
both of those last posts are wrong
go to
i have a picture of a cockfight my dad took in 'nam. maybe we can project it, trace it, then have metal's tshirt making friend print one out for you? too many steps, i suggest you just buy one.
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